Archive for 2007

Aunty Nan

I had a lovely, and a very sad weekend recently.

My great aunt has recently moved into a home, and out of the house she has lived in for the last nearly ninety years. My dad and I went down to Christchurch to help sort out her belongings (as she could not take most of them with her to the home).

I'll be thirty in a couple of years time. The same age my dad was when I was born. I'm fine with that but it's sometimes a little odd, looking down memory lane and thinking how much and how little has changed in ones lifetime.

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Software testing needs some QA

There are books, blogs & courses on Software Testing as well as professionals with years of experience behind them, and yet as noted by Cem Kaner there is a fundamental disagreement within the community over use of even the most basic terms.

Considering the field is often so closely associated with that of Quality Assurance, I find this fairly odd.

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Let's get this party started

Ahem... testing, testing, 1 2 3


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